Painting Demonstration for Westlake Village Art Guild

Painting Demonstration for Westlake Village Art Guild

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I enjoyed the honor last night of doing a painting demonstration for about 60 members of the Westlake Village Art Guild. The evening began with a nice dinner after which I was introduced and invited onto the stage. They had a video camera set up to project my painting onto a large screen so that everyone could see my process throughout the painting. I decided that I would use a small plein air painting of mine as my source and paint a larger version of it while also lightening all the values to show a process for making a “high-key” painting (lighter in value and more saturated in color). The attendees offered some great questions throughout the demonstration that I enjoyed answering as I talked through my painting process.

Thanks to Anette Power, Dennis Griffin and the rest of the group for inviting me to demonstrate!

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