Plein Air Painting in Salida, Colorado

Plein Air Painting in Salida, Colorado

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"High Country Aspen" painting on my easel • 8x10 inches • Oil on Linen Panel • Sold • Painted on location in Salida, Colorado
My “High Country Aspen” painting on my easel.

I’m finally getting around to posting about a recent painting trip I took to Salida, Colorado. I met up with fellow painter Brett Weaver and visited some other artist friends, Carl Ortman and Josh Been. Carl and Josh both live in Salida and have their own galleries there in town and wanted to take us to some of their favorite painting spots. (That’s Josh and Brett in the above photo.)

Salida and the surrounding area feature almost every kind of scenery you can think of — truly a landscape painter’s paradise. However, we can all attest that weather in the mountains changes quickly. Our first day of painting consisted of getting rained out after about 45 minutes of painting. Not once, but THREE times in a row! The sky was clear and sunny when we started each piece, but before long the clouds formed, the wind picked up and the rain began. We only had to drive a few minutes down the road to find another sunny spot and start again, but the rain would follow. Brett and I were able to return to the locations the next day to finish the three we started, so it all worked out. I also painted a fourth, High Country Aspen (pictured).

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